javadata home page
The javadata project provides a set of Java packages supporting the serialization,
deserialization, and tree-based navigation of Java objects. In particular,
JD supports
- - serialization to and deserialization from XML-formatted character
- - tree-based navigation using specifications similar to the XPath
specifications, and
- - retrofitting of existing classes to support JD serialization,
deserialization, and navigation.
javadata differs from other solutions
- in the way serialization and deserialization are factored into interfaces
and delegation classes. For example, a class whose objects are only contructed
in Java code [not from an XML-formatted character stream] and are useful
in contexts outside of a running JVM might implement only the serialization
interfaces. In addition, there are no uses of reflection or code generation
in the serialization/deserialization process.
- in the way it supports tree-based navigation. Classes implementing
a simple interface can benefit from XPath-style navigation that requires
no parsing or compiling of XPath expressions.
In addition to source and javadoc files, the javadata release files include
three jar files:
- javadata.jar contains packages.
- Notes
- You will need to include jaxp packages and associated implementation
packages to use the classes in this jar file.
- If you use, you will
need to include an compliant pull parser implementation in
your classpath [see].
- javarule.jar contains the package.
- Note
- You will need to include javadata.jar and the gnu.regexp packages
in your classpath to use classes in this jar file.
- javasql.jar contains the package.
- Note
- You will need to include javadata.jar in your classpath to use classes
in this jar file.
In order to compile the entire javadata source tree, you will need all of
the additional files/packages mentioned in the section describing the jar
- org.xml.sax, org.xml.sax.helpers + implementation
- javax.xml.parsers + implementation
- org.xmlpull + implementation
- gnu.regexp
javadata requires JDK 1.2 or later.
For more information, go to the SourceForge javadata project page at
Last updated on September 22, 2002.